Microbiome analysis:

Frequently asked questions

What most clients want to know

Can I do such an analysis myself?

Of course. After payment of your order, you will receive the test kit at home, with instructions and a return envelope for sending in the sample. You fill the test kit at home. You send it to the lab via the return envelope, just by putting it in the mailbox. After 2 weeks you will receive the test results in your digital environment. This way you can view and download the test results.

How does the rapport look like?

The report consists of a series of laboratory results and an extensive explanation. Click here for an example report.

Where can I go with questions about the result?

The report contains a detailed explanation. Still, you may have questions about it. Discuss these with your own doctor. They may contact us if necessary. You can also choose to discuss your test result with an experienced practitioner from our network. We can put you in touch. The costs for such a special explanation consultation are between €30 and €50.

How can I benefit from the result?

If your analysis shows opportunities for improvement, the report is the ideal basis for personalized microbiome therapy. That is on a doctor’s prescription, prepared by a pharmacist.

What is personalized microbiome therapy?

That is microbiome improvement  specifically for your microbiome, based on, among other things, your specific complaints and your measured microbiome. This is done on a doctor’s prescription, prepared by a pharmacist. Click here for more information.


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