Here you can expand your knowledge about the microbiome and treatments.
Beforehand: How to use the treatment platform
How to use the platform
Duration 10:56
Import and process fecal analysis labresults
Duration 3:59
Step 1: Recognise the role of gut and belly
Chronic diseases and belly complaints
Duration 17:31
Examples headache, astma
Duration 14:33
Step 2: Microbiome analysis interpretation
Microbiome reports in general
Duration 2:48
Inzoom dysbiosis, butyrate
Duration 1:48
Stap 2: Microbioomanalyses interpreteren (deel 2)
Inzoom pathogens, oxalate, mucus
Duration 3:09
Inzoom yeasts and parasites
Duration 1:10
Inzoom inflammation, gut permeability, digestion
Duration 2:35
Step 3: Mechanisms and disfunctions
Important mechanisms
Duration 20:42
Metabolic disfunction
Duration 29:04
Duration 1:25:25
Duration 1:12:54
Stap 3: Mechanismen en disfuncties (deel 2)
Duration 1:12:54
Vaginal microbiome
Duration 1:17:34
Step 4: Patient recognition and gut ecology
Recognizing gut patients
Duration 26:40
Balance in gut ecology
Duration 27:26
Evidence-based & personalized medicine
Evidence-based & personalized medicine
Duration 40:12
Webinars and meetings
Want to know more than told in these videos? Visit our knowledge meetings. Knowledge levels vary from starter to experienced microbiome practitioner.