Could it be related to my gut?
People often don’t realize that their gut health can be important to their health questions. Some doctors explain how gut health can be related to a theme you might not immediately expect.
Whether your gut is also playing along in your case is best assessed together with your doctor.
Psychological complaints such as ADHD, Autism, Depression or anxiety can have many causes, but also a relationship with the microbiome. Doctor Pereira, pediatrician, explains.
Age-related diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s can also be linked to the microbiome. Doctor Van den Heuvel, geriatric health care practitioner, explains.
Cardiovascular diseases
Doctor Van de Griendt, general practitioner, explains how heart health is related to the microbiome.
Dokter Adeler, arts voor musculoskeletale geneeskunde, over hoe artrose te maken kan hebben met darmen.
Doctor Charlotte P.M. Simons, physician for lifestyle medicine examines skin questions from a microbiome perspective .
Doctor Pijper, integral general practitioner, about health and allergy in relation to intestinal health.
Urinary tract
Doctor Otten, general practitioner, explains how bladder and urinary tract problems can be related to microbiome.
Buikpijn en stoelgang
Dokter Schreuder, MDL arts, legt uit hoe microbioom te maken kan hebben met maagdarm- en leverkwesties.